SOHAD partners
Let's work together to ease the pain in Haiti!

Pain without borders
Created in 1996 by doctors in charge of hospital structures wishing to share their knowledge, Douleurs Sans Frontières (DSF)_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136_bad905_est une 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_French NGO of international solidarity, recognized by the WHO and of public utility since 2003 (decree of November 10, 2003). The association was born from the desire to universalize the fight against pain and to carry out a transfer of skills in areas where the management of pain is n is not always effective.

Surgical Info/RHCA
Haitian Journal of Surgery and Anesthesiology
The basic mission of the organization was to create and publish a journal, Info CHIR, which later became: La Revue Haitienne de Chirurgie et d'Anesthesiologie (RHCA).
The RHCA wants to be a place of expression university and hospital surgical and anesthesiologist. It is open to all teachers and all practitioners in these spheres who wish to publish a scientific article, share an experience, information or propose a reflection on a theme general or particular. He wants to be the reference of current surgical and anesthesiologist practice for future generations.